Aim: Sharing of good practice regarding integrating videomodeling method and photo instructions as a tool in the curriculum of students with mental disabilities.
DAY 1:
Initial testing of participants – evaluation grid. Introduction in videomodeling – presentation of the method, methodological aspects, the importance of using the method for teaching students with disabilities, examples of videos for videomodeling method, different options of using this method for teaching students with mental disabilities.
DAY 2:
Introduction in photo instructions – presentation of the method, methodological aspects, the importance of using the method for teaching students with disabilities, examples of photo instructions, different ways of using this method for teaching students with mental disabilities. Crosscurriculum approaches.
DAY 3:
Practice activities of videomodeling – Examples of good practice implemented within the school classes and special therapy cabinets – speech and language therapy, kinetotherapy, occuppational therapy. Interactive practice activities regarding how to use the videomodeling method on specific intervention for students with disabilities.
DAY 4:
Presentation of the steps in creating new educational personalized tools for videomodeling and photo instructions. Workshop of elaborating educational tools for implementing videomodeling an photo instructions. Presenting the tools elaborated in the workshop. Disscusions, analysis of the personalized tools created by partners.
DAY 5:
Tools for monitoring the progress of the students following succesive implementing of the method. Case-study – presentation of implementation of the method in students practical activity. Final testing – evaluation grid of the 5 days training. Giving the Erasmus+ Certificates and Europass Certificates for training. Closing training and workshop.