Mobilitate Turcia (21-25.06.2021)

Aim: Sharing of good practice regarding using İnformation and computer technology in music for students with autism to understand and recognize emotions


DAY 1:

Introduction in presentation of techniques of using ICT in music towards emotions, aim of using computer technology in teaching emotions by music, advantages and differences of using this method for students with autism.

DAY 2:

Introduction in importance of using music in teaching students with autism, examples of music, photos, instruments of using this method.

DAY 3:

Practice activities of music towards emotions , good practice implemented within the school classes.

Discussing and observation about practice activity how partners schools can use this method in their schools for students with mental and different disabilities.

DAY 4:

Discussing about development and creating new music and photos depends on cultural of partners countries and using different types of instruments for students with autism. An example lesson that participants from partners schools try to do an example lessons with students from host school.

DAY 5:

Final testing – evaluation grid of the 5 days training. Giving the Erasmus+ Certificates of Attendance and Europass Certificates for training. Closing training and workshop.

Ziua 1

Ziua 2

Ziua 3

Ziua 4

Ziua 5