INTEGRATE IT – prezentare finală
SOCIAL STORY – carte interactivă
,,That’s the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.” – Jhumpa Lahiri
INTEGRATE IT is giving you a digital book, created in Book Creator. ,,Talking About Seasons” is an open educational resource created by the Erasmus+ , „INTEGRATE IT” PARTNERSHIP, 2018 – 1-RO01-KA229-049631. Each team chose to present, in a personal and interactive way, a season, integrating various applications: Youtube, Wordwall, Twinkl, Starfall, LiveWorksheets. ENJOY OUR BOOK!
Wordwall poate fi utilizat pentru a crea activități atât interactive (redate pe orice dispozitiv activat pentru web, precum computer, tabletă, telefon sau tablă interactivă ), cât și imprimabile (pot fi imprimate direct sau descărcate ca fișier PDF ).